Root Install Cern Mac Dmg

Root Android Device on Mac Option 1. Cydia Impactor. Cydia Impactor is a GUI tool for working with Android running Mac OS X. Its key feature is an end-to-end exploit of Android “Master Key” vulnerability, allowing mac android users to obtain root access on tons of Android devices including Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Huawei etc. Android phones & tablets. Documentation – How to install CERN root on iMacs (Mac side) by Ankit Mohapatra, Feb 2014 1. Install xcode (from the app store) 2. After xcode is installed, open the terminal, and type xcode-select -install (this installs the command line tools needed for root) 3. Then in the terminal, type.

In fields such as high-energy physics, ROOT is used for analysis. In addition to the base installation, there is a package called 'PyROOT' that allows one to to use ROOT from Python. In addition, there is one called 'rootpy', which allows one to use ROOT in a more Pythonic way.

This guide is not my own work. The credit goes to the original author Taku Yamanaka from Osaka University. This installation guide was modeled from his original instructions that I have translated and to which I have added additional explanations.

Root install cern mac dmg 2016

In order to make ROOT run, one needs a C++ compiler. The 'command line tools' are not enough. Rather, you will need Xcode, otherwise you will get errors. If you do not have Xcode, the following instructions will install it:

  1. Inside of the 'Application' folder, start-up the App Store and download Xcode.
  2. If you then start-up Xcode from the Application Folder, any necesary components will be installed.
  3. You may close Xcode.
DmgRoot Install Cern Mac Dmg

Next, ROOT will need to be installed.

  1. We'll begin by downloading ROOT and putting it in a folder labeled with the version number under the directory '~/local/root'

    • From CERN's ROOT download page first choose the Pro version and then select the Mac OS X Binary (.tar.gz). In the example below, the 10.12 version was downloaded. Places where your version may differ are indicated in italics.

    • Double click the root_v6.12.06.macosx64-10.12-clang90.tar.gz file in the Downloads folder.

    • Unpack the 'root' folder from the zipped file. It will have folders such as 'aclocal' and 'bin' as subdirectories. After extracting this 'root' folder, rename it to include the version name. Here, it has been renamed root_v6.12.06.

    • Under '~/local' create a new folder called 'root'.

    • Move the previously extracted and renamed folder root_v6.12.06 out of your Downloads folder and into the new '~local/root' directory.

  2. Create a symbolic link to '~/local/root/pro'
    Open Terminal and input the following commands, modifying as per necessary to account for the version you are using. Even if you receive an error saying that 'pro' does not exist, ignore it.

    Because a symbolic link has been created, from this point on '~/local/root/pro' will function as the ROOT directory. If you install ROOT with this method, it will be easy to try out and install different versions of ROOT or to restore an old version. If you want to use another version, perform the same steps outlined above. This includes the Terminal commands listed in this step. These point the 'pro' symbolic link to the new version's folder that you will have extracted and renamed 'root_vX_XX_XX' or the like.

  3. Configure the necessary environment variables
    In the ~/.bash_profile file, add the following line:

    This does not have to be done if you switch versions of ROOT in the manner described above, only the symbolic link must be changed, as described above.

  4. Close the old Terminal window and open a new one for the changes to take effect.

  5. From the new Terminal window, input the following commands. ROOT will start, and a graphic should be drawn.

Just like in Step II.3 above, we may configure the PYTHONPATH environment variable. In doing so, ROOT will be able to be used inside of Python. If one is using a distribution like Enthought Python or Anaconda, then an error message like the following may be given.

Install Root Cern

Therefore, use the standard Mac OS X installation of Python (/usr/bin/python). For example,