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Teemo's Logic AP = AD (922 basic attack damage per hit)
By | Updated onFeb 08, 2020 Cogma (Fire Imp) is a fusion food monster in Summoners War. In-depth stats about Cogma could be retrieved on SWARFARM Cogma (Fire Imp) Further Informations.
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Precision And Condition Dmg Runes
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This is the AP carry Mid lane build, based on extremely high damage for no mana cost.Why do I point out saving mana? It's simple, this build does not provide bonus mana and you have only 920 mana that have based at the level 18.
By the way thanks for reading :D
How Does That Insane 922 Bonus Basic Attack Damage Work
All informations about damage down this section are deduced from the example build above.Have a nice reading...
These is AP build but it makes you insane auto-attack damage:
- 98 AD base at 18 lvl
- 45 AD from
- 248 dmg on hit from (50dmg base + 30% AP [198,84 AP])
- 384 dmg from (30dmg + 10% AP [66,1 AP] = 93,945 magic damage each second for 4 seconds)
- 114 magic dmg from (15dmg + 15% AP [99,02])
- 33 from masteries (5% AP [33 AP])
It all gives you 922 damage per a hit.
gives you more damage after using ability:
- 904 dmg + 75% AP (479,58 AP) = 1384 dmg
Pros / Cons
Pros- FREE wards
- Great escape ( and )
- He is so fast that he doesn't need boots to be as fast as other champions (has that speed from passive)
- Blind is a great effect to escape or get a easy kill (especially all adc's)
- Very squishy (if he don't attack, becouse he don't use his life steal )
- Short range (he have range like a mage not like adc)
For the masteries I take 26/0/4In
Precision And Condition Dmg Runescape
Offense I take pure AP carry choices with special:- 4 points to (4% bonus AS) we need this becouse in this build there is only one bonus AS item - (50% bonus AS)
- And the gratest choise in Offence is (basic attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 5% of your AP)
- 4 point's to and 1 point to [[Veteran's Scars
- And ( - 15 sec. cooldown reduction)
For runes I take:- 3x - more AP, why not?
- 9x - is extremely squishy soo he need to be more tanky
- 9x - the same as
- 9x mark of armor penetration - with you deal preety nice damage to tank's
Summoner Spells
Very Good Choices- - this is obligatory spell for all champions, this spell can save your life but also help you to get easy kill. With 's you get amazing mobility.
- - is very squishy soo additional hardiness make that you can deal more damage.
- - This spell is amazimg for becouse you can teleport to your own . With this, can easy back door or kill running away enemies.
Not Soo Good
- - most builds propose to take this ability but I think that You don't need aditional damage becouse with You can deal much more damage then 410 from but ignite reduces healing effects you can say, and that's why I take , effect from this item is even better.
- - this is quite good choise becouse with this you can get easy kill with no big loss of Health and also this ability can help you to survive.
Item Choise
I thise build you must chose 1 item from those 3:Precision And Condition Dmg Rune Free
This item gives you only 75 AP but it also gives good mana regeneration and when you deal magic damage with this item to champions that have less then 40% health inflict on them Grevous Wound's for 4 seconds. (Grevous Wound's reduces healing and regeneration rating by 50%) | This is very nice item it gives more AP it have a greate passive, but in mine opinion it's not soo good for you becouse you need mana for shrooms ('s) and your blinding Q () | This item gives you much AP but the same as it gives no bonus mana regeneration. It also have great active that can save your life. |
Thanks For Reading
That was my first guide so please leave a coment with your suggestions.Sorry for bad English (I don't know, is it bad ?)
Precision And Condition Dmg Rune 3
Teemo's Logic AP = AD (922 basic attack damage per hit)