Atelier Totori Totori Just Starts Taking Dmg

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This nation has a job called 'adventurers.' It all happened before Arland became a republic. People wanted to explore, adventure, or develop the frontier. The knights of Arland were weak, so the citizens joined them and helped out. It happened gradually, but that system was later institutionalized. Adventuring is now a real job. My mother was one of those adventurers. I hear she's actually famous, too, but we haven't heard from her in years. My father and sister both think she's already... but I don't think so.

Atelier Totori is the second Atelier game in the Arland series, preceded by Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland and succeeded by Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland.It was released in 2010 and in late 2011 in the West. Like many Atelier games, it can be described as one-part JRPG, one-part Time Management Game and three-parts Item Crafting with a dollop of Moe for flavour.

Atelier Totori is the second Atelier game in the Arland series, preceded by Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland and succeeded by Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland. It was released in 2010 and in late 2011 in the West. Like many Atelier games, it can be described as one-part JRPG, one-part Time Management Game and three-parts Item Crafting with a dollop of Moe for flavour.

Atelier Totori tells the story of Totooria Helmold (just call her 'Totori'), a young adventurer travelling across Arland on a grand quest to discover what happened to her Missing Mom. Having been taught the art of alchemy by Rorona Frixell (the protagonist of the previous game), Totori slowly develops her skills as an alchemist to aid others and her own journey, with the goal of becoming a famous adventurer firm in her mind.

Atelier Totori Totori Just Starts Taking Dmg Free


As a direct sequel to Atelier Rorona, the game plays very similarly with some noticeable improvements to the interface, balance and general design. It also possesses a somewhat more adventurous story than is typical for a main series Atelier game, with a clear and serious goal from the start and several climactic, plot-central battles.

Atelier Totori Totori Just Starts Taking Dmg

A Playstation VitaUpdated Re-release titled 'Atelier Totori Plus' was released in Japan in November 2012, and American/European territories in March 2013 over the Playstation Network. It made headlines when the Australian Classification Board classified it as R18+* for 'High Impact Violence' and 'References to sexual violence', despite the fact that the original version of the game was rated as a relatively innocent PG. (In contrast, the ESRB rated Totori Plus as T, and PEGI gave it a '12'.) Another rerelease, Atelier Totori DX, was released on September 20, 2018 in Japan and December 4, 2018 in North America as part of the Atelier Arland Series Deluxe Pack for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Steam.


The game provides examples of:

Atelier Totori Totori Just Starts Taking Dmg 1

Atelier Totori Totori Just Starts Taking Dmg
  • Adventurous Irish Violins: This trope is invoked in the game's heartwarming musical score to accentuate Totori's innocently enthusiastic idealism.
  • Alchemy Is Magic: Marc thinks Alchemy is like this, Totori insists that Alchemy is nothing like magic.
  • Bag of Holding: Totori can carry all the components of a ship in her basket and still have room for puniballs!
  • Bag of Sharing: Averted with the party members, you only have access to those who are currently in your party. Justified between Totori's and Rorona's shops. Rorona is a master alchemist and set them up.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Totori jumps in to save Ceci and Melvia at the last second, but if the player is unprepared she may end up in the exact same situation.
  • Cooking Duel: Iksel just won't give up.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Gino is constantly on the receiving end from Sterk but Sterk himself suffers one at the hands of Gio.
  • Date Peepers: Rorona and Sterk do this to Totori and Gino in Gino's ending. However, Gino and Totori are actually out adventuring and Sterk and Rorona are just looking out for their respective students.
  • Death Is Cheap: Whenever the party is wiped out, they just go back to the last Atelier visited. Of course, the return adds a lot of days to the calendar, and even then every character is at 1 HP and will require more days to recover. If you're really far out there, you may wish you just died.
  • Determinator: Totori might be the weakest main character in the series, but she won't give up and has the most LP of all characters.
  • Downloadable Content: Adds Ceci, Iksel and Cordelia as playable party members.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Averted, Sterk might look more intimidating but he's still a nice guy, now he looks even scarier he makes kids cry.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: Liechtein Soehnle, it holds a monster who is more than willing to gobble up a village or two every time he breaks out.
  • Fanservice: A majority of Totori's costumes in Plus are swimsuits. Some of the new CGs invoke this as well.
  • Fetch Quest: How you get all of your money.
  • Final Boss: The Flauschtraut, a sea monster which has blocked sea travel between Arland's continent and the rest of the world.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: The opening of the game involves a sequence in which Peter tries to put Totori and Gino over a barrel by telling them that it costs 100,000 cole to hire his carriage, an amount they can't possibly raise in time before the next carriage rolls out. In New Game+, however, you can easily have this amount and more because cole carries over a on a New Game Plus playthrough. Events, however, still play out exactly as if Totori and Gino don't have the money. Apparently the development team didn't think of everything, or they were just expecting the player to choose the option you get when you start a New Game Plus to skip this portion of the game.
  • Gratuitous German: Many move and weapon names. The tower Liechtein Soehnle at least sounds German.
  • Hair Decorations: It is easier to name the girls that don't have some sort of hair decoration.
  • Human Sacrifice: The village Piana came from is made of women who were meant to be this for a devil sealed in a tower.
  • Humongous Mecha: Marc eventually gets his hands on an ancient giant robot that he modifies to be even bigger in his ending. He even considered adding a cockpit to it but decided against it due to lacking the necessary technology.
  • Immortal Life Is Cheap: To enter the tower you need a human sacrifice, thanks god Pamela is already dead.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Averted with the standard characters, all of whom use typical RPG weapons (though Marc's Rocket Punch machine is a little strange). However, the DLC will allow you to fight with Iksel, who uses a frying pan, and Ceci, who uses a broom.
  • Item Caddy: Totori and Rorona's main use in battle.
  • Missing Mom: The entire reason Totori goes on her quest.
  • Mondegreen: In the English Dub, It's really easy to mishear Ceci's name as 'Sexy'.
  • Multiple Endings: As with its predecessor and previous Atelier games, there are multiple endings depending on what you accomplish in the game, and your relationships with the other characters. The ending obtained is revealed by whomever is at the door when Totori opens it after the credits.
  • Non Standard Skill Learning: All of Gino's skills are obtained through doing his character events.
  • Not Allowed to Grow Up: While the game takes place over five years, the characters look exactly the same throughout.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Totori, Rorona and Sterk are almost always called by their nicknames as opposed to their real first names
  • Panty Shot: Mel constantly has them. Totori doesn't have them normally (unless she's throwing a two-handed bomb or tripping while facing away from the camera on the map), but there is one when the Guardian CG is displayed. However, if the artbook is anything to go by, her shirt is some form of leotard, so this may not really count.
  • Prolonged Prologue: In all, it's over three months before your characters return home after getting their adventurer's licenses and really get going on things. Though you can skip straight to having your Adventurer's License on New Game Plus.
  • Rock–Paper–Scissors: If you get Sterk's ending, Sterk suggests this as the method of choosing when Rorona and Totori have an argument over which of them should get to take him out for the day. They insist he has to make the choice. He suggests a compromise that works for both of them.
  • Side Quest: The game is nothing but side quests until you get your license extended.
  • Spit Take: Sterk's reaction at Totori's question regarding 'teacher's teacher' (which is, Astrid).
  • Talking to Yourself: Played with. Hagel and Gerhard had the same voice actor, when Totori comments Hagel had the same voice as Gerhard, both of them meet up and compare their voice with each other. It becomes a Brain Bleach for Totori.
  • Teleporters and Transporters: Totori eventually gains the ability to to make an item that will teleport her back to either alchemy shop.
  • Tentacle Rope: The CG that you get when you catch the Guardian. Which attacks both Totori and STERK.
  • True Final Boss: Evil Face, the demon that killed Totori's mother. Though Gisela did manage to cripple said demon and prevent it from demanding sacrifices, and years later, would allow Totori to finish the job.
  • Unmanly Secret: Hagel doesn't like anyone to know that he designs and sews his own outfits. 'You gotta keep it a secret, kiddo!'
  • Yuri Fan: A canon one in Filly.

Alternative Title(s):Atelier Totori

Atelier Totori Totori Just Starts Taking Dmg Download
