Planetside 2 I Do Too Little Dmg

Jun 28, 2012  Turning off 'enhance pointer precision' in the mouse options of control panel helped a little, but still far from what I would like. Also after coming back to the game after all this time and still having issues, like players seem to 'warp' around at a times when making sharp turns, or some weapons seemingly insta kill you at times, and do no dmg at other times. Nov 20, 2012  Planetside 2 does not have 'Matches' The game is constantly fought over 3 continents which are composed of many areas (Dont remember the exact name for the areas, sorry) Winning/Capturing an area could take anywhere from 5 minutes to many hours.

Increasing Kick DamageToo

Planetside 2 I Do Too Little Dmg Free

Anyone who's encountered the Ubers (or to a less extent, Diablo Clone) with their kicksin will have realised that knocking off the first 3/4 of health takes very little time. However, the remaining quarter is a real time vacuum - sometimes it looks like you're actually doing no damage at all.
Planetside 2 i do too little dmg download So, once you have enough Crushing Blow and AR to be effective (50%CB and 10k AR, for example) and enough survivability through resists and PDR, the next thing you need to focus on is increasing your kick damage.
I'd like to explore possible methods of increasing damage in this thread.Planetside 2 I Do Too Little Dmg
  • Auras from runewords - Last Wish gives a level 17 (200% ED) Might Aura. Beast gives a level 9 (186% ED) Fanaticism Aura.
  • Strength and Dexterity - Points in these will increase your damage by a small amount
  • Boot damage - Main source of increased damage. Boots should always be Myrmidon greaves for the highest average damage.
  • Elemental damage - There are many sources of elemental damage to add to kicks but unfortunately the ubers tend to have rather high resists
  • Speed - Not technically increasing damage, but an attack at the root of the problem: killing speed. Quicker hits = more damage over time. Beast's Fanaticism gives 29% IAS, not to mention the 40% on-weapon IAS. Burst of Speed puts you at the max breakpoint easily with most setups.

Planetside 2 I Do Too Little Dmg Download

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Other methods to increase kicking damage?