How Much Dmg Does Leblancs New Passive Do

Alright listen here riot. This is my favorite game and I don't want you guys to ruin it but your pushing the limits. I logged on today looked at Leblanc's and every other assassin rework and saw this new scaling and abilities. I get that you put Leblanc's q active into her passive, her passive into her ult, and her passive into ever other ability. Can someone please explain me Leblanc's Ultimate "Mimic" because iv'e been playing Leblanc ever since i started this wonderful game and this new rework will give her a chance for those S players out there to get farm instead of just using W R all the time. Now you made it so confusing that even you guys at riot don't know what you did. You just herpaderped up Leblanc and threw something together. Now this is a hyperbole but I mean your going to get the hate that Leblanc mains, and Magikarpusedfly, on you. I can see she has the potential but, i think fast, i have imaged every solution to the mid laners and she just gets beat. Her only poke now is W Q but even that does no damage at level 2. Plus CC is a big deal for her but you guys never thought of that because she gets shut down early game with people like Malzahar, Ryze, Ahri, etc. At least explain her ultimate to me because i still don't know what you guys messed up on that and how you do that. I love stickers...... don't judge me........ {{sticker:zombie-brand-mindblown}}

How the new Leblanc Works Leblanc Passive: Sigil of Malice - casting q/w/e on an enemy causes a mark to be applied, the mark takes approx 1.5 seconds to charge, and can then be activated again by any ability to cause additional damage.


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