Who Does Most Dmg Early In Lol Games
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Who Does Most Dmg Early In Lol 2
Well, as an ADC main, here's what I've seen:
Caitlyn keeps her strength throughout the game, she's strongest at mid game but has decent early and late.
Draven is /good/ early game but he needs items to really get going. 1 Q at lvl 3 does what? about 125-150 dmg. If you cant get up your items on Draven you're in for a bad time.
MF is great early game but she doesn't suit the current meta (mobility/cc) and therefore can get shut down early if you don't know how to play her; which makes her practically useless for the rest of the game.
Varus is OK early game but he's also one of those champs you need items on to start doing REAL dmg.
Jinx is manageable early game, she's at the half point in terms of strength, on one point she is a hyper carry, but on another point she's more mid-game focused in terms of her damage spike. But has great clean up potential throughout the game.
Lucian's early game is amazing, only negative point is his mana consumption.
Lucian Q AA combo does what? 3/8 up to 1/2 of enemy hp at lvl 2? So if you have a decent support, level 2 first = easy kill.
Vayne's early game isn't too horrific.
The reason people get their panties in a twist is because she need AS items in order for her w to be efficient in early duels, otherwise it does next to no dmg. Generally vayne does really well with a lot of support though due to her stun potential and the fact that it's extremely easy to actually land the stun in the bot lane terrain.
Kog Maw, ehh. Not good early at all, just doesn't have the damage to make up for the lack of mobility early game. But late game scale is great.
Corki is decent early game because of his Q base damage.
But if you cant end the game quite soon before enemy gets ahead, then you've lost it the game.
Ezreal is surprising decent early game. The one bad feature about his early game is the fact that he needs to consta poke the enemy in order to actually make kill potential as a lot of current ADCs are able to out duel him if played well but if you can land that q every now and then then they'll get chopped down so fast.
Graves, this champ is great early game.
Decent AD scale on his Q, mobility which gives you attack speed (ridiculous how OP this skill actually is) and his W is great for screwing the enemy if they or you engage. On top of his R doing loads of damage, fortunately I've only seen that champ about 10 times this season, let's hope it'll stay that way cause dat ****s OP if played well, especially since he's good throughout the whole game.
Sivir has a good'ish early game but really shines once you get l;vl 6 for the AS boost.
Tristana early game is amazing.
Your E will piss them off so much and the attack speed buff isn't bad either.
Once it gets LG, you kill any and all.
Twitch, his early game is decent due to the burst potential from his E.
But his mid game makes you want to kill yourself, unless you're fed ofc.
Late game though? He can catch anyone off position and then wreck faces.
Should've covered most of them.