Dmg Pg 272 Lingering Injuries

DMG Volume 11 – Industrial injuries benefits Chapter 70 – This chapter is spare and is intentionally blank.

Dmg Pg 272 Lingering Injuries Symptoms

  1. Lingering Injuries and Wounds, Massive Damage; Variant optional rule D&D 5th Edition In the DMG, there are rules which you could use if you wish to implement sustained injuries and wounds for your players (pg. 272) and while I like the idea the random table presented there doesn't really fit my ideas about such wounds and injuries.
  2. Edit: 2-22-17 Added 3 tables for the variant rule 'Lingering Effects' of the DMG pg 272. I balanced it a bit to my likes however (percentage wise) and added some additional entries from the pdf by 'James Introcaso' from the following  worldbuilder website. Edit: 12-15-16 Added a table of random potions from the DMG.
Dmg pg 272 lingering injuries form

Dmg Pg 272 Lingering Injuries In Adults

The damage and healing mechanics of 5th ED suits me most of the time.
But from time to time I would like if characters get injuries that simple night of sleep or first level spell can not heal. I would also like to have a reason for NPC to be incapacitated or handicapped for prolonged period that plays well with mechanics (explain why cure wounds from player character is not instant solution).
I do not want to upset the existing mechanical balance but only add something on top. For NPC I can administer wounds as it suit plot but for player characters I would like to have established and open mechanism. I was thinking of allowing the players to trade in failed death saves for serious wounds - that way it is their choice to play wounded character and it is a benefit for them to not have character dead on the spot. I do not have effects of wounds and healing them fleshed out but still what do you think of such rule?