The new champion Syndra in League of Legends uses a skill named Dark Sphere to place these cool balls of anti-matter on the field. The balls last for 6 seconds and the cooldown of the ability only easily allows for 2 balls on the field at a time.
Syndra Ulti Doing No Dmg Preseason Patch Download
Right now she has a broken synergy with Muramana.
1. Buy Tear of the Goddess
2. Buy DFG
3. Finish Manamune->Muramana
4. Hit a tank/bruiser with a 6 ball ultimate (Activate Muramana and DFG beforehand, you dummy!)
5. Watch them QQ, that they died from one spell
6. Laugh manically and remind them repeatedly that they are losing to a team with Syndra
7. !!!
8. Tiforp
Until this gets fixed, you have the following pro's on Syndra:
- High burst (and I mean stupid high)
- Good kiting
- Incredible lane bully, as Barph already pointed out
- More reliable defense than Cassiopeia (they are pretty similiar)
- Initiation power and poke
In teamfights I play her as a supportive peeler until I get enough orbs. Once I have 6-7 orbs, I flash in and instagib something squishy.
Combo: Q->Q (avoid using your W after first Q) -> W the first orb -> Q -> Q (Fourth Q is optional) -> Flash -> Ult -> DFG -> Hourglass.
It's important that you use your ult before DFG, so you don't lose orbs. You'll still get the damage bonus on every orb after the first one.
She is countered by Hourglass and Guardian Angel which are the reasons you don't see a lot of burst casters.
Syndra Ulti Doing No Dmg Preseason Patch 2017
Syndra Ulti Doing No Dmg Preseason Patch 2
Hello guys! Recently Syndra went on sale and since I'm trying to get all champions I bought her, she always seemed very interesting to me anyway so it didn't feel bad when I bought her.
Anyway I've been using her for some days now and she's very very fun to use, except for... well... using her makes my team loose, and I can tell it's entirely my fault... Sometimes I get so focused on my balls (lol) that I forget what's going on around, other times I gotta be REALLY quick in executing someone and end up using a 2 balls (lol) ult, only to leave the enemy with a silver of life, and believe me after casting everything you've got with syndra, your autos won't complete the job and the dead one will be syndra herself...
So, naturally, I tried looking for some guide on her but, oh the surprise, almost NO guides of syndra :S only a semi-ok one from solo-mid and one from mobafire that I haven't checked but it talks about muramana (Which I think could work but... just read on)
Since there was no guide out there I thought of just throwing off everything I've learned about Syndra in this post just so maybe, we all could make a syndra guide from the ground up! So far it looks like this:
-Syndra is not an early game champ, her bases are quite low! barely 70 dmg from each ball minus resistances (30 mr is base on everyone) Therefore you NEED Magic pen runes, masteries and boots.
-Syndra's stun is awesome to save teammates being chased, though, it's cooldown is a bit high and honestly without that stun all Syndra has to offer is doubful damage.
-Tear is... good late game, and you CAN charge it quickier than with any other caster, though, rushing it will leave you behind in damage a lot and without damage all Syndra can offer is a stun =/ ganks will be unsuccessful even if you land your stun, you NEED damage, a chalice will at least give you some magic resist and it works better at keeping your mana pool up.
-Liandry's is good on her as long as you buy a rylai's as soon as possible, since most of her spells are AoE they will only burn for half the regular amount, rylai will bring that back up and give you an awesome slow and suvivability!. Plus you can begin rushing a Haunting guise for more magic pen which is very good on Syndra.
-Rushing raw AP (Deathcap, Deathfire grasp...) is not quite good on Syndra her ratios are meh and the chances of hitting ALL skills is not 100%.
-S3 brought down cdr builds, they are much more expensive now but in order to maximize Syndra's damage CDR is sadly a requirement! still there is a setup that can bring you to exactly 39,89% cdr which is perfect! CDR glyphs (5,89%), and full CDR mastery from the offensive tree (4%), Athene's holy grail (15%) and deathfire grasp (15%) that way you don't have to exchange magic pen boots! though it's quite.expensive!
-Her passive just adds flavor I guess and it's one of the reasons why Syndra herself is a late game champ, getting it's full potential will need you to reach lvl 18... the only skill worth maxing right away is Q, and with PBE changes her ult gains a whole 75 units leaving it at 750... not even the range of her Q -.- but oh well it's something I guess.
-Q does good damage when maxed and it can be tricky to avoid, plus you can cast it while moving so it's a good skill for poking! it has 800 range (plus half the radius) so it's not THE BEST, but you can manage!
-W is the basic skill with the most damage, though the hardest to use correctly!
In order to farm you can W a LOW HEALTH minion, throw it on the magic minions and Q at the same time, that's 4 guaranteed minion kills!
Against champions I find it a bit harder to land, nowadays everyone is faster than Syndra's E, even if you cast it like a mad man (also low ping is no good for this ), sometimes I wish I could use it like Nami's Q but that would be too OP I guess. Using a minion to slow a champ is fun BUT you'll loose your finest skill to maintain a ball up so in my opinion wasting it with a minion is only acceptable if you're not planning on using your ult.
Against jungle monsters it has some nice effects but they are so small it's not even worth taking advantage of them :S if you're close to them you could use it I guess but you'll be so focused on optimizing the use of your balls that it's gonna go past yourself and not even notice it :S
-E is an awesome stun, plus technically you can stun a whole enemy team... though the range on the skill itself is a bit short, 650 units, that's less than your Q so beware of it. I haven't still figured out what's the travel distance of a ball or if it depends on how close you're of it (LoLwiki states that's the case though I haven't seen a regular behaviour for this), I can tell you that it's hella long though, stunning someone that far away only works to show them that you know how to use the skill... or if they're getting ganked it could help a lot, the damage from the skill itself is ok but you won't be using it for the damage component that often. This skill also extends the duration of the balls it hits for a tiny bit.
-Last but not least her ult has good damage but it's always suffered from the micromanagement Syndra entails :S, landing a no balls ult feels AWFUL, when you manage to bring it up to 2 it still feels lackluster, the loved 3 balls ult is the one that feels ok but it's so damm hard to think straight while your teammates are dying. Finally, the legendary 4 balls ult will feel like a waste of energy ._. you did all this micromanagement! and MAYBE your target died but it was so low that it maybe could of died with a 3 balls ult...
-Syndra can hardly 1v1 anyone, she will NEVER have the upper hand but she can put up a fight. Early game be sure to have the jungler's help just so you can rack up some kills, also push but don't waste your mana, you'll probably want to gank a lane and feel free to do so but beware! syndra's ganks are THAT good; mid game never walk alone, stun some enemies, save some allies, late game throw your balls on the ADC and be sure to stun as many enemies as possible.
-Last words: I think... THINK Syndra could be a good support, like Zyra, she can have a lot of brush control and her stun could work wonders, the downside of it might be that if you get no farm, you'll be behind in damage, plus balls give no vision unless you pick them with W and throw them again AND it hits something x_x
Feel free to comment on this guys! together we can make a viable guide for this fun champ! She needs one! Plus I know there are somethings I'm missing and/or don't know! I'm not a high ELO player!