Radiation Damage Vs Corrosive Dmg On Excalibur

Electric and heat: makes Radiation which is perfect for grineer but awfull vs corpus and infested. Electric and cold: makes Magnetic which increases the damage against shields, for corpus. Electric and toxic: makes Corrosive, eats right through armor so its good for many of the factions, Grineer, corpus, infested and void.

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Radiation Damage Vs Corrosive Dmg On Excalibur 2

List of explosive damage versus various materials as of Patch 257:

ExcaliburRadiation Damage Vs Corrosive Dmg On Excalibur

Radiation Damage Vs Corrosive Dmg On Excalibur 2

Improvised Explosive Device (pair)*7875******

* The damage is greater than the health-points of structures of that material
** IEDs are currently just about impossible to place on stone, metal, or Tek structures.

Radiation Damage Vs Corrosive Dmg On Excalibur Mac

Radiation damage vs corrosive dmg on excalibur pro

Radiation Damage Vs Corrosive Dmg On Excalibur For Sale

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