DMG is a disk image format used on Mac OS X and it is difficult to open on Windows computer. So, the guide below will let you people give a way to open DMG files on Windows through a free utility name HFSExplorer. Continue reading after the break to read the complete process to do that.
How to Extract DMG File Data on Windows
Di jendela Open pilih pengaturan All files (.) karena bawaannya ada file.DMG. Cari letak file iso macOS High Sierra kemudian pilih Open. Muncul pemberitahuan peringatan sekali lagi. Memberitahukan bahwa file yang ada di dalam flashdisk akan tergantikan dengan file iso macOS High Sierra. Jika sudah yakin pilih Yes. Faktanya adalah file instalasi yang terdapat di dalam file DMG tidak dapat diinstal pada mesin Windows; Namun, Anda dapat mengakses file-file ini menggunakan metode yang akan saya sebutkan di bawah ini. Cara Membuka File DMG di Windows: DMG Extractor (Gratis dan Berbayar): Alat terbaik dan paling profesional untuk membuka file DMG di Windows. Bisa di buka di apple juga systemnya harus sudah mac OS X dan didalamnya yang sudah include Mac OS 9, karena sudah terdapat virtual disk drive nya. Bisa dibuka di windows tapi harus di convert dulu jadi ISO ato IMG, dah dah gitu bisa dibuka oleh daemon tool, ato alkohol 120 ato magicdisk nih file converternya sedot aja disini: namanya dmg2img.
Download and install HFSExplorer on your PC
Just follow the installation wizard of HFSExplorer and check mark the box followed by “Register .dmg file association” while you reach on this screen
On completion of HFSExplorer install process, you will observe that all DMG files on your computer will get associated to HFSExplorer software.
Now, double click on your DMG file to whom you want to open
In an explorer window all of the contents of your DMG file will display, so select the file of your choice and click on “Extract” button
Just choose the destination folder on your computer and click on “Extract here” button
Click on “Yes” button while it asks for “Do you want to follow symbolic links while extracting”
Install File Dmg Di Windows 7
Extraction will start and on completion “Extraction finished” message will display, so click on “OK” and that’s it