My playstyle is my playstyle,.but.I found that putting HP to 1K and leaving it there is enough to clear the game easily. It lets you eat 2-3 bad hits and survive, maybe 4 if it's a combo or not too strong.IIRC the Armor protection was something like each 10 of armor gave you 1% damage reduction.
Here is why E should be 50/50 and why forcing LeBlanc to wait for E2 to deal damage is wrong and ruins the champion. It needs to be detonated by another ability for maximum damage, same goes for R(Q). She is assassin. What about making first E deal full dmg but has new cd 20/17/14/11/8 And when u E deals first dmg after 1.5 sec it will.
It requires Improved Flanking (+4 to attack) as a class ability, though, which limits its accessibility quite a bit. The Superior Flanking feat ( Dragon # 343, page 93) offers an increased flanking bonus of +6 to attack. D&d beyond.
Also found in: Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Acronym | Definition |
DMG | Damage |
DMG | Disk Image |
DMG | Dimethylglycine |
DMG | Dill Mill Gayye (Indian TV show) |
DMG | Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (German mineralogical society) |
DMG | Deckel Maho Gildemeister (German manufacturer) |
DMG | Dossier Médical Global (French: Global Medical File; Belgium) |
DMG | Département de Médecine Générale (French: General Practice Department) |
DMG | Digital Marketing Group (various locations) |
DMG | Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (German: German Oriental Society) |
DMG | Dungeon Master's Guide |
DMG | Digital Media Gateway |
DMG | Daimler Motoren Gessellschaft |
DMG | Dmap Gateway |
DMG | Dot Matrix Gameboy |
DMG | Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (Daimler Motor Company) |
DMG | Demon Music Group (record company; UK) |
DMG | Daytona Motorsports Group |
DMG | Directional Multi-Gigabit (IEEE standards) |
DMG | Division of Mines and Geology (California) |
DMG | Dimethylglyoxime (CAS #95-45-4) |
DMG | Department of Mines and Geology (Nepal) |
DMG | Dark Magician Girl (Yu-Gi-Oh! card) |
DMG | Distance Made Good |
DMG | Dark Matter Gun (gaming, Quake 4) |
DMG | Distinguished Military Graduate |
DMG | Dépannage Matériel Graphique (French paper pricessing equipment repair company) |
DMG | Digital Map Generator |
DMG | Dot Matrix Game (Game Boy) |
DMG | Direct Marketing Gestion (French marketing company) |
DMG | Decision Maker's Guide |
DMG | Dimethyl Glutarate |
DMG | Combined Dose and Geometry Correction (lithography) |
DMG | Data Management Group, Inc. |
DMG | Diversity-Multiplexing Gain |
DMG | Diesel Media Group |
DMG | Direct Mode Gateway |
DMG | Dar Mustafa Group, LLC (Jordan; marketing) |
DMG | Didactique et Média pour Notre Génération (Morocco) |
DMG | Donald, Mickey and Goofy |
DMG | Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft eV (German Meteorological Society) |
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