How Much Dmg Does Scatter Arrow Do If Not Scattered

I recently posted an article describing how to make easily a 3D scatter plot in R using the package scatterplot3d. This R tutorial describes how to perform an interactive 3d graphics using R software and the function scatter3d from the package car. The function scatter3d uses the rgl package to draw and animate 3D scatter plots. Scatter arrow does to much damage. News & Discussion. Am I the only one that thinks scatter arrow does too much damage? I mean its not fun to be a tank and from one.

How much dmg does scatter arrow do if not scattered likeHow Much Dmg Does Scatter Arrow Do If Not Scattered

How Much Dmg Does Scatter Arrow Do If Not Scattered Heart

Technologist Protection‎ > ‎

Scatter Radiation

Scatter Radiation is a type of secondary radiation that occurs when the useful beam intercepts any object, causing some x-rays to be scattered. During an x-ray or fluoroscopic exam the patient is the most significant source of scatter radiation. Most of a technologists occupational exposure comes from scatter radiation; therefore using safety measures against scatter radiation will effectively lower a technologists occupational exposure.
Ways to protect yourself from scatter radiation are:
  • Always collimate to the area of interest, the larger the amount of tissue the beam is allowed to irradiate the more scatter radiation is produced.
  • Using high kVp and low mAs techniques produces less scatter
  • Use your protective equipment such as lead lined walls or lead aprons when you will be involved in an exam
  • During fluoroscopy exams always make sure the bucky slot cover is in place and the lead curtain is on the fluoro tower.
  • During mobile exams stand atleast 6 feet away and if possible at a 90 degree angle from the radiation source (the patient).
  • During c-arm procedures standing on the side of the image intensifier is safest because there is more scatter produced at the entrance surface side of the patient.

This image illustrates the pattern of radiation during a fluoro exam, the safest place to stand is in the area of the black mark. This usually means standing behind the radiologist.

During a portable x-ray exam the safest place to stand would be the area of the black X, to the left or the right of the patient, but most importantly atleast 6 feet away.