Fgo Np Dmg Vs Art Dmg

Dec 07, 2017  In terms of Jane and Pris, they both have one cc skill each, but both are a good fit in a magic team due to their dmg amp skills (pris can also amp dmg in physical teams so she can fit in both m or p dmg teams).

Fgo Np Dmg Vs Art Dmg


Fgo Np Dmg Vs Art Dmg 3

  • Economic pendulum machining with separating wall
  • Tool magazine with 30 pockets, 60 or 120 pockets are optinally available
  • High dynamics up to 80 m/min

Fgo Np Dmg Vs Art Dmg 2017


  • 3-axes or 5-axes machining with B-axis and integrated NC table
  • Spindle Versions from 8,000 rpm to 20,000 rpm and 200 Nm
  • Machining of long heavy workpieces up to 5,000 kg or multiple clamping


Fgo Np Dmg Vs Art Dmg Download

  • Basic spindle with 8,000 rpm
  • speedMASTER spindles with 15,000 or 20,000 rpm (option)
  • SK50 / HSK-A100 Spindles with 10,000 rpm and up to 413 Nm (option)