Can I Reload My Stn Weapon With A Dmg

Apr 13, 2013  Overcharge: EGO Power that increases weapon damage for 10 seconds. When activated, it instantly reloads your current weapon. (+30% DMG) Ego calculator location 2,8 thru 3,9 Cloak: EGO Power that makes you invisible to enemies for 15 seconds. Cloaking activates immediate shield regeneration. Nov 14, 2017  They don't seem to have any effect. Actually I take that back there is only 1 effect: Guards will not report your gunshots to the CP. All of the other advantages of a silencer don't seem to apply to weapons with STN for some reason. There's really no point in having a silencer if the enemy can pinpoint your exact location, return fire, and even cause a combat alert if they have a sniper rifle.

This is Scaling in action. At lower levels, the game scales you up. As you gain levels, and skills and the ability to make or use better armor and weapons, the scaling contribution reduces.
The reason you are still being scaled is you are not CP160 yet.

If a CP20 player uses a CP20 dagger, he or she will deal more damage than I do at CP41 using the very same CP20 dagger?
I understand higher level players have better abilities available to them, but sometimes they don't. For instance, once you obtain CP10 provisioning recipes, you have to wait till CP50 to get the next higher recipes, because there are no recipes for CP20, 30, or 40. Same way with alchemy: potion solvents are available for CP10, 50, 100, 150 only. If you are stuck in between those levels, you have to wait up to 40 or 50 levels to get the next better material. Enchanting is better, tho. There are runestones available for CP10, 30, 50, 70, etc., so you don't have to wait too long in between levels.
Then you have all the active and passive abilities that can be had at low levels. You can max out wood elf abilities by level 40, and you can almost max out class abilities, weapon/armor abilities, etc. by level 39-42. The point is if I'm at CP49, I don't feel much of an advantage over someone at level 39-42 or so. And I believe abilities are part of the scaling up and scaling down. So the only thing that separates me from lower-level players are the champion points. But at CP41, I don't feel I have enough of those to make a difference.

Defiance Perks List and Builds Guide by loken

Ego Power Abilities:

Decoy: EGO Power that sends out a mirror image of you. Press the Power button again to swap places with the decoy. (+60% decoy health) Ego calculator location 2,2 thru 3,4

Overcharge: EGO Power that increases weapon damage for 10 seconds. When activated, it instantly reloads your current weapon. (+30% DMG) Ego calculator location 2,8 thru 3,9

Cloak: EGO Power that makes you invisible to enemies for 15 seconds. Cloaking activates immediate shield regeneration. (36 second recharge) Ego calculator location 8,2 thru 9,3

Blur: EGO Power that boosts your movement speed by 50%. While active, your melee attacks deal full damage against shields. (18 second duration) Ego calculator location 8,8 thru 9,9

Decoy perks:
Efficient Projection: Increase Decoy duration (+9 seconds) Ego calculator location 1,5
Materialize: Reduce the recharge time of Decoy (-9 seconds) Ego calculator location 5,1

Overcharge Perks:
Quick Charge: Reduce the recharge time of Overcharge (-9 seconds Ego calculator location 1,6
Killing Machine: Increase Overcharge duration (+6 seconds) Ego calculator location 5,10

Cloak Perks
Infiltrator: Increase Cloak duration (+6 seconds) Ego calculator location 6,1
Shadow’s Core: Reduce the recharge time of Cloak (-9 seconds)Ego calculator location 10,5

Blur perks
Second Wind: Reduce the recharge time of Blur (-12 seconds) Ego calculator location 6,10
Endurance Runner: Increase Blur duration (+6 seconds) Ego calculator location 10,6


General Ego perks

Energy Leech: Killing an enemy recharges your EGO power (3% EGO Power recharge) Ego calculator location 10,10

Pumped Up: Fully reloading a weapon recharges your EGO Power (15% EGO Power recharge) Ego calculator location 1,2

Bloodlust: Dealing any damage recharges your EGO Power. Cooldown: 5 seconds. (3% EGO Power recharge) Ego calculator location 1,8

Time Out: Fully reloading a weapon extends the duration of the active EGO Power (+9% duration) Ego calculator location 2,1

Lifesaver: Reviving another player recharges your EGO Power (45% EGO Power recharge) Ego calculator location 3,7

Risk Taker: When your shield breaks, extend the duration of the active EGO Power. Cooldown: 5 seconds. (+15% duration) Ego calculator location 4,10

Killing Spree: On a kill, extend the duration of the active EGO Power (+6% duration) Ego calculator location 6,5

Explosive Onslaught: On an explosive kill, extend the duration of the active EGO Power (+9% duration) Ego calculator location 6,9

Kinetic Transfer: Getting hit by an explosion recharges your EGO Power (30% EGO Power recharge) Ego calculator location 8,6

Quickening: On a melee kill, recharge your EGO Power (12% EGO Power recharge) Ego calculator location 9,10


Fortitude: Increase your health (+750 HP) Ego calculator location 4,5

Regeneration: Constant bonus health regeneration (+3% HP regeneration) Ego calculator location 6,6


Blur related

Sonic Strike: While Blur is active, you deal more melee damage (+60% Melee DMG) Ego calculator location 6,7

Cloak related

Shadowed Strike: You deal more damage while cloaked (+30% DMG) Ego calculator location 7,5

Conditional Damage increase

Nerves of Steel: You deal more critical damage to enemies that are moving towards you (+15% Crit Mult) Ego calculator location 9,4

Gunslinger: You deal more critical damage when firing from the hip (+12% Crit Mult) Ego calculator location 9,5

Sucker Punch: You deal more damage from behind enemies (+15% DMG) Ego calculator location 10,2

Ambush: You deal more critical damage to enemies that are not engaged in combat (+9% Crit Mult) Ego calculator location 7,3

Intimidation: You deal more damage to enemies that are flinching, knocked back, or knocked down from other attacks (+75% DMG) Ego calculator location 8,10

Temporary Damage increase (x,y,z)

Hunter’s Stance: You deal more critical damage while crouched (+9% Crit Mult) Ego calculator location 7,2

Height Advantage: You deal more damage when higher than the enemy (+9% DMG) Ego calculator location 9,1

Temporary Damage increase (duration)

Feedback: After your shield fully recharges, for 3 seconds you reflect back a portion of incoming damage. Cooldown: 5 seconds. (15% of damage reflected) Ego calculator location 4,1

Nothing to Lose: You deal more melee damage when your shields are down (+30% Melee DMG) Ego calculator location 7,9

Energy Surplus: After your shield fully recharges, you deal more damage with your next shot (expires after 10 seconds) (+6% DMG) Ego calculator location 8,4

Follow-through: On a critical kill, increase the damage of your next melee attack (expires after 10 seconds) (+75% Melee DMG) Ego calculator location 8,5

Kill or Be Killed: You deal more critical damage when your shields are empty (+45% Crit Mult) Ego calculator location 9,6

Loyalty: Reviving another player increases the damage of your next shot (expires after 10 seconds) (+100% DMG) Ego calculator location 10,7

Unfinished Business: Reviving yourself increases the damage of your next shot (expires after 10 seconds) (+100% DMG) Ego calculator location 7,1

Grenade Damage increase

Deadly Cascade: You deal bonus damage for every additional enemy caught in an explosion (+30% DMG) Ego calculator location 1,7

Vehicles Specfic Damage increase

Wrecking Ball: You deal more damage to vehicles (+45% DMG) Ego calculator location 7,6


General Damage Reduction

Rear Guard: You take less damage from behind (Take 45% less damage) Ego calculator location 1,3

Cellular Armor: You take less damage (Take 6% less damage) Ego calculator location 5,5

Temporary Damage Reduction (duration)

Thick Skinned: You take half damage after your shield breaks (3 second duration) Ego calculator location 2,7

Failsafe: You take less damage if hit while your shield is recharging (Take 30% less damage) Ego calculator location 3,1

Combat Medic: You take less damage while reviving other players (Take 75% less damage) Ego calculator location 3,4

Detachment: On a kill, you take less damage for 3 seconds (Take 15% less damage) Ego calculator location 4,2

Samaritan: After reviving another player, you take less damage for 5 seconds (Take 45% less damage) Ego calculator location 4,3

Juggernaut: On a melee kill, you take less damage for 5 seconds (Take 15% less damage) Ego calculator location 10,8

Temporary Damage Reduction (x,y,z)

Fortified Stance: You take less damage while standing still (Take 15% less damage) Ego calculator location 5,2

Hunker Down: You take less damage while crouched (Take 9% less damage) Ego calculator location 6,2

In the Trenches: You take less damage when lower than the enemy (Take 30% less damage)Ego calculator location 8,7

Grenade Specfic Damage Reduction

Blast Shield: Reduce the range at which explosives hit you (-45% range) Ego calculator location 5,3

Vehicles Specfic Damage Reduction

Crash Test Dummy: You take less damage from vehicles (Take 75% less damage) Ego calculator location 7,7


Can I Reload My Stn Weapon With A Dmg Free

Self-Medicated: Increase the recharge rate of your self-revive (+45% recharge rate) Ego calculator location 2,4

One for All: When you revive a group member, other group members are also revived (75 meter range) Ego calculator location 3,5

Turn the Tide: Reviving another player recharges your self-revive (45% recharge) Ego calculator location 3,6


Phoenix Boost: Reviving yourself recharges your group’s shields (100% shield recharge) Ego calculator location 1,4

Aggressive Defense: On a melee kill, recharge part of your shield (15% shield recharge) Ego calculator location 4,9

Execution: Killing an enemy with a critical hit restores a portion of your shield (15% shield recharge) Ego calculator location 7,4


Displacement Field: You move faster for 5 seconds after your shield fully recharges (+45% Speed) Ego calculator location 3,10

Escape Artist: When your shield breaks, you move faster for 5 seconds (+45% Speed) Ego calculator location 7,8

Hyperactive: On a melee kill, you move faster for 5 seconds (+45% Speed Ego calculator location 9,7


Tunnel Vision: Weapon recoil is reduced when your health is low (-75% Recoil) Ego calculator location 5,8


Hell on Wheels: Any vehicle you ride in is more durable and deals more collision damage (+15% durability and +30% collision damage) Ego calculator location 2,5


Pinata: On an explosive kill, there is a higher chance for the enemy to drop gear (+3% drop chance) Ego calculator location 2,10

Just Reward: On a critical kill, there is a higher chance for the enemy to drop gear (+3% drop chance) Ego calculator location 10,4

Implosion: On a melee kill, there is a higher chance for the enemy to drop gear (+3% drop chance) Ego calculator location 10,9

Nano effects

Predator: Nano effects have a higher chance to trigger against enemies that are not in combat (+15% nano effect chance) Ego calculator location 6,3

Insult to Injury: Nano effects have a higher chance to trigger on a critical hit (+6% nano effect chance) Ego calculator location 6,4

Longshot: Nano effects have a higher chance to trigger when you are at least 40 meters from the target (+9% nano effect chance) Ego calculator location 10,1

Counter intel

Sensor Sweep: When you activate Decoy, all nearby cloaked enemies are revealed (30 meter range) Ego calculator location 5,4


Mad Bomber: On an explosive kill, recharge your grenade and instantly reload part of your weapon’s clip (30% grenade recharge and 15% of clip reloaded) Ego calculator location 1,9

Scavenger: Loot more ammo (+30% more ammo) Ego calculator location 4,7

Guardian Angel: On a Rescue Kill, recharge your grenade and regenerate some of the ammo reserve for your current weapon (100% grenade recharge and +45% ammo) Ego calculator location 2,6

Ammo Thief: On a melee kill, regenerate some of the ammo reserve for your current weapon (+15% ammo) Ego calculator location 5,9

Assassin’s Cache: On a critical kill, regenerate some of the ammo reserve for your current weapon (+3% ammo regen) Ego calculator location 10,3


Overload: While Overcharge is active, you reload faster (+30% Reload) Ego calculator location 4,6

Single Minded: You reload faster while standing still (+30% Reload) Ego calculator location 1,1

Survival Instinct: You reload faster when your shields are empty (+45% Reload) Ego calculator location 6,8

Shock Trooper: On an explosive kill, you have a chance to instantly reload your weapon (30% chance) Ego calculator location 1,10

Preparedness: Your stowed weapon automatically reloads over time (9% of clip reloaded every second) 5,6
Emergency Ammo: When your shield breaks, you instantly reload part of your weapon’s clip. Cooldown: 5 seconds. (15% of clip reloaded) Ego calculator location 5,7



Overcharge: EGO Power that increases weapon damage for 10 seconds. When activated, it instantly reloads your current weapon. (+30% DMG)

Fortitude: Increase your health (+750 HP)

Regeneration: Constant bonus health regeneration (+3% HP regeneration)

Nerves of Steel: You deal more critical damage to enemies that are moving towards you (+15% Crit Mult)

Gunslinger: You deal more critical damage when firing from the hip (+12% Crit Mult)

Sucker Punch: You deal more damage from behind enemies (+15% DMG)

Rear Guard: You take less damage from behind (Take 45% less damage)

Cellular Armor: You take less damage (Take 6% less damage)

Quick Charge: Reduce the recharge time of Overcharge (-9 seconds

Killing Machine: Increase Overcharge duration (+6 seconds)


Cloak: EGO Power that makes you invisible to enemies for 15 seconds. Cloaking activates immediate shield regeneration. (36 second recharge) Ego calculator location 8,2 thru 9,3

Shadowed Strike: You deal more damage while cloaked (+30% DMG)

Infiltrator: Increase Cloak duration (+6 seconds)

Shadow’s Core: Reduce the recharge time of Cloak (-9 seconds)

Ambush: You deal more critical damage to enemies that are not engaged in combat (+9% Crit Mult) Ego calculator location 7,3

Hunter’s Stance: You deal more critical damage while crouched (+9% Crit Mult) Ego calculator location 7,2

Juggernaut: On a melee kill, you take less damage for 5 seconds (Take 15% less damage) Ego calculator location 10,8

Escape Artist: When your shield breaks, you move faster for 5 seconds (+45% Speed) Ego calculator location 7,8

Hyperactive: On a melee kill, you move faster for 5 seconds (+45% Speed Ego calculator location 9,7

Implosion: On a melee kill, there is a higher chance for the enemy to drop gear (+3% drop chance) Ego calculator location 10,9


Blur: EGO Power that boosts your movement speed by 50%. While active, your melee attacks deal full damage against shields. (18 second duration) Ego calculator location 8,8 thru 9,9

Killing Spree: On a kill, extend the duration of the active EGO Power (+6% duration) Ego calculator location 6,5

Sonic Strike: While Blur is active, you deal more melee damage (+60% Melee DMG) Ego calculator location 6,7

Second Wind: Reduce the recharge time of Blur (-12 seconds) Ego calculator location 6,10

Endurance Runner: Increase Blur duration (+6 seconds) Ego calculator location 10,6

Kill or Be Killed: You deal more critical damage when your shields are empty (+45% Crit Mult) Ego calculator location 9,6

Unfinished Business: Reviving yourself increases the damage of your next shot (expires after 10 seconds) (+100% DMG) Ego calculator location 7,1

Thick Skinned: You take half damage after your shield breaks (3 second duration) Ego calculator location 2,7

Deadly Cascade: You deal bonus damage for every additional enemy caught in an explosion (+30% DMG) Ego calculator location 1,7

Blast Shield: Reduce the range at which explosives hit you (-45% range) Ego calculator location 5,3

Double Agent

Decoy: EGO Power that sends out a mirror image of you. Press the Power button again to swap places with the decoy. (+60% decoy health) Ego calculator location 2,2 thru 3,4

Sensor Sweep: When you activate Decoy, all nearby cloaked enemies are revealed (30 meter range) Ego calculator location 5,4

Efficient Projection: Increase Decoy duration (+9 seconds) Ego calculator location 1,5


Can I Reload My Stn Weapon With A Dmg Download

Materialize: Reduce the recharge time of Decoy (-9 seconds) Ego calculator location 5,1

Feedback: After your shield fully recharges, for 3 seconds you reflect back a portion of incoming damage. Cooldown: 5 seconds. (15% of damage reflected) Ego calculator location 4,1

Turn the Tide: Reviving another player recharges your self-revive (45% recharge) Ego calculator location 3,6

Displacement Field: You move faster for 5 seconds after your shield fully recharges (+45% Speed) Ego calculator location 3,10

Just Reward: On a critical kill, there is a higher chance for the enemy to drop gear (+3% drop chance) Ego calculator location 10,4

Survival Instinct: You reload faster when your shields are empty (+45% Reload) Ego calculator location 6,8

Fortified Stance: You take less damage while standing still (Take 15% less damage) Ego calculator location 5,2

Angel of Death

Blur: EGO Power that boosts your movement speed by 50%. While active, your melee attacks deal full damage against shields. (18 second duration) Ego calculator location 8,8 thru 9,9

One for All: When you revive a group member, other group members are also revived (75 meter range) Ego calculator location 3,5

Lifesaver: Reviving another player recharges your EGO Power (45% EGO Power recharge) Ego calculator location 3,7

Self-Medicated: Increase the recharge rate of your self-revive (+45% recharge rate) Ego calculator location 2,4

Combat Medic: You take less damage while reviving other players (Take 75% less damage) Ego calculator location 3,4

Can I Reload My Stn Weapon With A Dmg Card

Samaritan: After reviving another player, you take less damage for 5 seconds (Take 45% less damage) Ego calculator location 4,3

Can I Reload My Stn Weapon With A Dmg Code

Phoenix Boost: Reviving yourself recharges your group’s shields (100% shield recharge) Ego calculator location 1,4

Predator: Nano effects have a higher chance to trigger against enemies that are not in combat (+15% nano effect chance) Ego calculator location 6,3

Insult to Injury: Nano effects have a higher chance to trigger on a critical hit (+6% nano effect chance) Ego calculator location 6,4

Can I Reload My Stn Weapon With A Dmg System

Longshot: Nano effects have a higher chance to trigger when you are at least 40 meters from the target (+9% nano effect chance) Ego calculator location 10,1